Sunday, August 30, 2009


So much to talk about.. it's been forever...

Let's start where we left off.

I worked for LJMS (La Jolla Music Society) this August and it was fun-fillled and action packed with more than a little stress on the side. Last year all I did was have fun because at the end of the day, the ball was on someone else's shoulders and this year all of that fell to me. This is not to say I didn't have fun. There were more than a couple work parties and a certain night which ended in a skinny swim at 3:00 am, but that's another story I shall have to keep to myself (at least not on the web so if you want info, call me.)

There was lots of pianos and 4 pianist divas to start out the season and to end it were 2 orchestras, lots of percussion and Stewart Copeland. It all culminated in my last job being to make sure the florists came and picked up the flowers from the theater. This job seemed to be all encompassing.

So when I look back on it even after a week of vacation I still have no idea how I feel about it. It was crazy hectic and a ride that you hang onto in life and would I change it, hell no but damned if I know if I wanna get back on. Oh who am I kidding, I'd get right back on and hang on for dear life, and everyone knows it. That's just who I am.

Now I've spent a week away from it all just hanging out with friends, laughing and talking, watching movies and seeing plays and I finally feel like "Hello, this is your life. Don't waste it." I've decided to do all of the things that I've been meaning to try. Here is my goal list:
1. learn to play the Cello
2. train to be a roller girl
3. learn to sail (already enrolled in a class)
4. surf once a month
5. go camping at least once every 2 months (if not more)
6. be the best dramaturg Mrs. Margaret Larlham could ask for
7. finally finish my short story and maybe 3 more chapters of the novel

I think this is enough for one semester no?

Also, call me, because I miss your voice. All of your voices.

P.S. I really need to download that album by Klark Kent.
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