"Twilight Ruined Comic Con"
Image by Howie Muzika via Flickr
But did it really? This has been bugging me since I watched a group of boys carry a sign around the Con painted with exactly that phrase, "Twilight ruined Comic Con."My question is, "How?" If anything, Comic Con ruined Comic Con. Now before you scream at me how I'm wrong or tell me how crappy Twilight is, think about it.
Twilight is fantasy, with Vampires and werewolves and lore up the wazoo. It is a published novel and feature film with legitimate fans who love the creation. Now you may think it's crappy, and I may have come to see through it's delusions, however, it is fantasy. Comic Con is all about the fantasy, and sci-fi and anything else that can be related through comics.
The things I think don't belong at Comic Con (as much as I love them) are panels for shows like Weeds, or 24 or Bones, because as great as they are, they have nothing to do w
Image by Howie Muzika via Flickr
ith comics or fantasy or sci-fi in any way shape or form. That is what the Con is all about, am I right?
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