Things I Dealt With Today Part Three (6/17/09)
Before you read the last installment keep in mind that on the upside I am in a great mood now because I took my older foster daughter to see "Up" in 3D and it was fantastic. We ate sushi and hung out. I taught her how to play Sudoku and bought her one of her favorite books and an agenda to keep her days straight. I'm also heading home tomorrow so although I'm sad to leave my girls and sad that I didn't get to spend more time with the rest of my family... I'm extremly happy.
1. My mom stood by and let me start eating a chicken salad sandwich (which I thought was tuna) then proceeded to tell me "I wish you had asked before if you weren't going to finish it." I**F? I'm a freaking Veggie or Pescatarian (Thank you Sophie for the word). Of course I'm not going to finish it. Or do I just randomly off and on make life changing decisions. Of course I do because I'm me. (can you hear the sarcasm coming out of my ears?)
2. I then proceeded to get food poisoning from what I discovered to be expired tuna (may) only to later learn that the mayo (april) was expired as well.
**Lesson: never eat anything in my mom's house
3. My mom proceeded to dirty the living room again which I had just cleaned for her, leaving me once more with no place to sit and then acted like I was retarded for wanting a place to sit. Then got extremely upset when I wanted to move the garbage can near the stairs (the only place to sit) so I could peel my egg. Then, because I raised my voice told me I had worn out my welcome (when I have only been here a week).
*If this seems petty, that's because it is... she overreacts, I react to her drama and then get accused of overreacting. Endless cycle.
***Later she acted as though nothing was wrong and she hadn't just told me to go home for the second time on this trip*@*. I'm sorry, does someone have a spilt personality?
*@* the first occured the fisrt night I was here when i dared suggest that instead of making me go to bed or sit in silence at 8 pm, she simple turn on the baby monitor and close her bedroom door so that she didn't have to hear the tv or the comp. I know, novel concept, actually using the baby monitor.
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