Don't think it's going to work to find a job before my summer gig kicks in... so I guess I am going to have to focus on other things.
Things to do:
1. Write my novel (thetigercry.blogspot.com)
2. figure out how to live off the little money I have
3. research for Mark Twain's Cenetary Tribute (sdsutwain.blogspot.com)
wish me luck
Also, our house is infested with flies somehow, big shocker when no one cleans up. Even more annoying when no one cleans up before leaving for the weekend, leaving me forced to scrub the house top to bottom so that I can throw myself a birthday party, that no one showed up to.
Oh, and I got a text from interest of a while ago at 2:00 am "Sorry I missed your bday."
I only reminded you about it two days earlier you big ass.
Today was not a good day. The only bright spot of the entire day was recieving this from my mom:
hope everyone else's day tomorrow is as good as mine sucked today
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