Thursday, April 30, 2009

Brecht "The Good Person of Szechwan"

The ending of Scene Five concludes the first act. It ends with Yang Sun’s line, “And that’s the way it goes.” The ending is so unsatisfying and selfish that the audience is left feeling dirty themselves. On a personal note, if I were ever to fall in love with a “Bad Boy with a Good Heart,” I have now been cured of that notion. Brecht has removed all of the romance from the equation and shown exactly how selfish Yang Sun’s love is.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Getting Out Of Town

I want to get out of town for the weekend or some such and stay someplace fun and free. I have free plane tickets and just need some place cheap or free so if you know of a place then let me know.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Useless Part Two

I feel as though those around me have accomplished so much more than I have. I don't know how to do it all. Others my age have written entire books of poetry, while I cannot finish a single story. They have become actors and models and singers and gotten accepted into medical programs, even finished their bachelor degrees (Yes, I am even behind in that respect.)

I don't know how they do everything. I work my but off every day of the week and I feel as though nothing is ever accomplished. I can never focus on one thing or even just five things to accomplish and maybe that is my real problem.

I work 15 hours a week, am taking 18 units and am now working on my third production of the semester, and this was supposed to be my semester off, I can only imagine what it's going to come to next year when I am assigned to actually stage manage a department production back to back with my summer job and there is only a couple weeks off in between summer school and SummerFest. There is only one week in between spring semester and summer semester for that matter.

How will I make it through.

How will I ever find the time to write. The previous post is the first time I have contributed to "Trapped" in almost a month. How will I dedicate myself to my passion. Why am I still majoring in Stage Management when it's no longer my passion?

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