Monday, October 26, 2009


Good Morning All!
What's going on in my life:

Woke up to the sounds of my roommates talking very loudly and laughing outside my door this morning again. It's ridiculous that they really don't think I can hear them or they just don't care, but as many of you know I refuse to ask them to stop even though it wakes me up much earlier than I need to be awake. Why? Because that would stop my evil plan of knowing when
they talk about me behind my back. This has saved my hide many a time so don't knock it. Plus even if I did ask them to stop, they probably wouldn't.

Fortunately I'm still in a very good mood due to some awesome dreams, none of which I can remember now. (P.S. roommates were laughing about their dreams, and mine are so much better.)

Anyhoo, making smiley face french toast this morning which
is my own invention but I'm sure someone has thought it up before. Basically I separate the white from the yolks and whip up the whites with cinnamon, salt and pepper. Then butter the toast and cut out the centers. Very important to butter first cause otherwise it gets difficult to do after the center has been cut out. Then I cover both sides of both pieces in egg white mixture and put in a hot pan. I put the yolk in the cutout center and break it to make sure it fills the entire hole. Voila. Fry on both sides and it doesn't even need syrup. Plus one egg to one piece of bread ratio. So yummy.

I have a mid-term today so I'm skipping my first two classes. This may or may not spiral into skipping all classes as we near the second half of the semester but I'm willing to ride it out. There's no way I'm going to pass this midterm otherwise, and I already got a bad grade on one of the papers.

So this is life, making choices of which classes to skip what day in order to fit them all in; getting sick from the flu shot. (Did I forget to mention that? Nice Huh? The doctor said, "Oh yeah sometimes this happens.") But I generally over schedule myself so is that his fault? No. It's just the way life goes, because If I didn't over schedule myself, I'd be unchallenged and bored and then do absolutely NOTHING but watch TV. At least this way I got a good night's sleep.


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